Pre-booked places
We have pre-booked a limited number of rooms in the student's
hotel Druzba , building nearby to the conference venue.
The price is 26.70 (47.00) € for single (double) room per night plus city tax 1.65 € per night. There are both single and double rooms pre-booked.
In case of interest, please make your booking by email to
and follow the instructions. Please, state clearly "ATLAS Hadronic Calibration Workshop" in the message. The pre-booking is valid only up to
15th June 2015 !
Ibis hotel
We have also pre-booked a limited number of rooms in the
Ibis Hotel Bratislava Centrum
for the price of 55 € single occupancy (59 € double occupancy) (breakfast included) plus city tax 1.65 € per night.
The hotel is located on the tram line to the conference venue, and also 5 minutes' walk to the Old Town.
To book your room there, please fill
the reservation form and send it by
email (with "ATLAS HCW" in the message subject) or fax:
+421 2 59292111 to reception.
We got few additional rooms available, the pre-booking is valid only up to
31th July 2015 !
Recommended places
Danube Hotel
Bussiness hotel, placed close to the Down Town on the riverbank of the Danube river and also on the tram line to the conference venue.
Web page
Devin Hotel
Traditional hotel, nearby the Danube hotel on the same riverbank and tram line.
Web page
Hotel Tatra
Bussiness hotel in the DownTown, 5 mins' walk from the tram line to the conference venue.
Web page